Wood Anemone

This carpet of pretty flowers looked so lovely. I only had my phone on me so took a quick shot, I had no idea what they were - until I looked them up Wood Anemone. The park is forever changing. Lots of Violets, Bluebells, Primroses, still some Snowdrops, Little Azalea bushes in full bloom, still lots of Camellia, Daisies, Daffodils , Tulips in fact too much to remember, with Bunnies hopping around and all sorts of birds, it was a treat to be walking around.
It’s our favourite daughter’s birthday today (we’ve only got one daughter and two sons ;0) she finished off our family - they are coming here today for tea, we are having Chinese and Birthday Cake of course. Sorry I’m a little behind I’ll catch up after tea!

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