
Yes, another homescape, taken at 7.46 am, the one in extra taken 5 minutes later.
My philosophy is if a blip presents itself then take it.

I had to zip in for a blood test this morning, so did some supermarket shopping as well.
It took me ages this afternoon, but I've chopped up - 
4 cups of celery
4 cups of zuchinnis
4 cups of onions
4 cups of cucumbers
2 x green peppers
2 x red peppers
Now in a bucket with 3 tbs of salt to be left overnight.
Tomorrow, I'll turn this into yummy chutney after adding sugar, tumeric, mustard seed and vinegar.
We make this every year, some will be heading to our Wellington family at some stage as well.  Its a family favourite.

My youngest turned 47 today, (Lexi's Dad).

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