
By Colstro

I blame my socks

I was putting on my socks this morning - as usual - when I suddenly felt something "give" in my back. For 5 minutes I was quite unable to move, and it took me quite a while before I was able to straighten up and, eventually, stand and move to a chair.

I have, as a result, spent a large part of the day just sitting. Therefore, not only did I watch the F1 qualifying, I also watched several hours of tennis. I'm now feeling frustrated that I've not been able to do some of the things I had planned for the day.

The back is feeling a little easier now, but it will be interesting to see if it gives me any trouble in bed, or if it stiffens up and is painful in the morning.

All just to put my socks on!

I have now backblipped Day Five of my Iceland trip.

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