
It was raining for junior parkrun.

I arrived at the park needing to use the toilet. The toilets open on a timer but not today. I had to walk to others within the park which were open. Decided it was a good idea to get a picture of Maldon as a backdrop to my umbrella with its visit Maldon logo. It wasn't. The handle was more difficult to extract than I expected. Happy with the picture as a record of the morning though and selected it over one of my Pa who I visited straight after.

He was brandishing a bowl that my sis purchased for him and telling me that it was the best gift she'd ever brought him. I sent that picture to her and we wondered at his cleaning skills as it still had a label attached to the bottom. We suspect an internal wipe over full immersion.

I dont recall him being involved in 'pink' jobs as I was growing up. He went out to work and Ma was a stay at home mother, housekeeper, bookkeeper, taxi service, gardener and cook etc, etc etc. He says he was never allowed to wash or dry dishes when mum was alive and we never had a dishwasher. When I got my first home I continued this learned behaviour.

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