A Lazy cat

After a day in the garden chasing round and catching mice, Misty has slept since she came in, she is settled on the box that covers my sewing machine, it's her new favourite place.

Its been a lovely mild day no rain and plenty of sunshine.

We went to Lidl and I shopped whilst Paula walked Tanzy. Then when we got home Paula tried out her new Mini chain saw on the dead  Ceanothus, she was really pleased with it, much easier to use than the big one, then after lunch I cut it up in bits and put it in the garden bin, saved the thick logs to make a wood pile for the wildlife. Meanwhile Paula got the pressure washer out and washed the outside of the greenhouse down. So a very productive day all round.

By the way Inkface I told her Mr I had got one and she said that sounds very useful I think I will look for one  and she did.

Hope it's nice tomorrow. 

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