Ally bally, ally bally bee

The information beside this statue reads:

Coulters Candy

'Ally bally, ally bally bee Sittin on yer mammy's knee Greetin for a wee bawbee Tae buy some Coulter's candy'

Robert Coltart (1833-1880) was a woollen weaver turned confectioner.

Born in Rhonehouse in Galloway, he moved to Galashiels as a young man and sold his boiled sweets around the town and across the Scottish Borders at fairs and festivals.

He lived with his wife and children in various locations within the town, including Overhaugh Street. A flamboyant and eccentric character, who dressed in a variety of colourful clothes, he sang a song to help advertise his wares. Now known as 'Coulter's Candy", it is a much loved Scottish children's song and lullaby that has been passed on through the generations.

This statue has been created by local sculptress Angela Hunter to recognise the fact that Ally Bally is 'frae guid auld Galae'.

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