Keith B

By keibr

Blue Sky, White Snow, Yellow Lichen

Today we continued inspecting the felled areas and sorting out some wood to be cut up for firewood. I spoke to Gun, who owns the felled forest, and she had nothing against us clearing up some of the nearest areas to our house, and collecting some firewood.
We feel very grateful for this glorious spring-winter weather. In the day it's warm but at night it goes down to minus 12°C, and this freezes the snow into ice, which means we can just walk across the snow without sinking in. This makes life so much easier as we walk around the felled areas. We have one more day of this lovely weather if the forecast is correct.
The lichen on these trees is one of the few brightly coloured objects in the natural world around us. In the real winter the light levels are low and the world is very much black and white, but even at that time this lichen brings a touch of colour into an almost monochrome world.
ID (added 16 Aug 2024 after inspiration from NotCuthbert's blip.) I think it's either Xanthoria parietina or Xanthoria calcicola. The parietina prefers trees or bark, though it can grow on stone. The calcicola prefers stone, though it can grow on bark or wood. So it's probably parietina.

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