Faces of Rock
They got engaged, these two - hours before their first official gig which just happened to be around the corner from us at the Brewery. CR has her ring on a necklace around her neck, as she says she'll have to get used to drumming with so much weight on her finger. Hehehe. CB said a few years ago: "I just haven't found her yet. The One."
We're so happy that now he has :)
Much fun and beer was had by all. SO MUCH FUN. Maybe a little too much beer.
I was told by several people that I look really good and someone said they have seen me running. They didn't quite get my excitement over the fact they actually called it 'running' instead of 'slowly moving forward at a pace slightly above a stroll' - but to me that was a big deal.
The Beloved had to keep me going straight on the way home, which was no small feat. And seeing how I'm backBlipping this I can already predict I shall be feeling a little delicate most of Saturday :)
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