
Blue skies with wispy clouds... will it stay like that today...

A new week beckons...

Wildlife nighttime camera.
Badgers and Foxes

Creative is two people in a queue waiting for shop to open...sketched In SketchClubApp, and I am sitting nice and comfy and warm in my car....

Have your best day...I need more tea.

Oh, and that photo with the stocks and me & J, it was only 23kb, on a very early mobile phone which took rubbish photos, but that was all there was back then, 2002. I remember going to buy one and when they showed me the quality of the photos, and I told them to forget it, and I stuck with my little Fuji camera for the next 14 years! I told the person who took it, and fortunately for her I could exactly date it and she found it on her computer in seconds!!! And sent me a marginally better version...24kb!!!

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