Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today I discovered a new thing about our marriage. I'm not sure it will survive.


I went to the tub and found that Caro was a BUTTER EXCAVATOR. 

Yes! She had dug a HOLE in the middle of the butter! There was a massive PIT in the butter!

I am a "surface scraper". My knife GLIDES across the surface of the butter like a figure skater on ice. It's a beautiful thing.

"Bah!" said Caro. "I WOULD have been a surface skater, but you left the butter in the fridge and it was like a ROCK. I was FORCED to excavate."

Well that's all right then. Marriage off the rocks. 

"But," she went on.


"I HATE the way you put the CRUMBS back in the butter!" she went on, quite unreasonably in my book. 

I mean, a chap has to scrape excess butter off the knife, surely. And what's a few crumbs between friends?

"It's DIRTY butter!" Caro added. 

I promised to do better in future. And I told her about duck butter. Which is another type of dirty butter altogether.

Which put things nicely into perspective, I feel.


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