Rhaeadr amser

Rhaeadr amser ~ Cascade of time

“[A] photograph is a non-interpretive image with a precise and immutable complement of information. The visual image is not like this at all, even at the moment in time when it is first recorded. The brain takes the visual image and interprets it in terms of past experience, present knowledge and future expectations.”
― Bede Morris, (Bede Morris, The anatomy and physiology of vision, Images : illusion and reality, Australian Academy of Science, 1986, ISBN 0-85847-131-0, p. 13)

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Aethon ni allan heddiw cwrdd â Richard, Steph a theulu.  Roedd hi’n Ddydd Sul y Mamau (wythnos yn hwyr). Cwrddon ni yn Terra Nova, bwyty ger Llyn Parc y Rhath i gael brecwast.  Roedd hi’n dda iawn i weld y teulu eto (mae’n teimlo fel mae hi wedi bod amser hir ers i ni eu gweld). Cawson ni brecwast da iawn - brechdan selsig, sglodion, pitsa - llawer o fwyd. Y dilyn aethon ni o gwmpas y llyn, gyda hufen Iâ.   

Roedd hi’n ddiddorol yn sefyll ger y rhaeadrau gyda'r wyrion lle roeddwn i wedi sefyll gyda fy mam-gu flynyddoedd yn ôl.  Rydw i’n gobeithio bydd y plant yn sefyll yna un dydd gydag eu wyrion hefyd.

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We went out today to meet Richard, Steph and family. It was Mothering Sunday (a week late). We met at Terra Nova, a restaurant near Roath Park Lake for breakfast. It was really good to see the family again (it feels like it's been a long time since we've seen them). We had a very good breakfast - sausage sandwich, chips, pizza - lots of food. Next we went around the lake, with ice cream.

It was interesting standing near the waterfalls with the grandchildren where I had stood with my grandmother years ago. I hope the children will stand there one day with their grandchildren too.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Rhaeadr (amlygiad dwbl wedi'i gylchdroi)
Description (English): Waterfall (rotated double exposure)

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