Black Velvet

Happy St Patrick's Day, particularly to hic, MichaelPlaice and Siofra on the Emerald Isle.

I got in the mood for the day last night, watching and listening to wonderful Irish music on the BBC. I decided to make MrQ a poor-man's black velvet to celebrate. He likes Guinness - it's good for him. :)

Black velvet is a beer cocktail which was invented at Brooks's Club in 1861 to mourn the passing of Prince Albert. The black Guinness was to symbolise the black or purple armbands of the mourners. It was said that even the champagne should be in mourning. A poor-man's black velvet has cider in place of champagne.

I learnt some interesting facts about Guinness from an Inside The Factory programme from Dublin. I find the presenter, Greg Wallace, very irritating but put up with him on this occasion. The famous stout is made from two barley worts, one part roasted to nine parts unroasted. The yeast they use dates from 1903 and it produces 7.2% alcohol. They make it strong and then adjust it down by adding water to suit various markets. Nitrogen gas is added under pressure and it is this which gives the smooth creamy head and enhances the heavy taste.

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