
By bulliblip

art homework (and post-sleepover malaise)

Eve slept very little and was not the most radiant version of herself as a result. She was required to do a bird drawing on an aged envelope in the style of Mark Powell for homework and was not at all happy about the process, the complexity of birds or the quality of the 25 year old envelope we rooted out for her. We are old but not so old that the remnants of our youth are anything nearing cool in the eyes of Evie B.

I cleaned lots of windows today and felt slightly despairing about the state of the sashes. Our predecessors installed them in a hurry due to a sudden diagnosis of ill-health and skipped priming or undercoating the wood. So I’m constantly trying to lavish love on sashes that resemble flaky pastry. To my amusement/horror, many large spiders have made themselves at home in the internal brass locks this winter - they danced out dramatically when I tried to clean around them. And I danced backwards like a woman possessed.


1. Early nights on the cards all round tonight;
2. Isaac really enjoying his friends’ birthday party;
3. A bargain replacement tumble dryer.

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