Electrical Autocar

Although it did rain all night, the weather soon cleared giving way to blue, and sometimes not so blue, skies with fluffy white clouds.

Len wanted to watch the Leicester vs Chelsea FACup quarter final, so our departure for Quorn and Woodhouse Station to watch the trains on the Great Central Railway was delayed until 3 o' clock.

We sat outside the Butler Henderson café which has a verandah from where you can watch the activity at the station while you sip your latte and eat your cake,

I hadn't seen this railcar before, an electrically powered one, that reminded me of Toby the Tram in the Thomas the Tank stories.

Old London buses (see extra) were ferrying passengers between Quorn and the Nottingham branch of the GCR at Ruddington. One day, the volunteers hope, the two sections of line will be joined. Today marked the 125th anniversary of the creation of the LNER.

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