Sauna from early 1900's

This is Rajaportti sauna in Pispala, Tampere. This is Finland's oldest public sauna still in use. Built in 1906. Separate sections for men and women. Mobile phones should be closed when you come bathing.

I had never before bathed here, but today my daughter asked me with her. A very special sauna, really. Loved this!

In history, for the most of the people in the town, saunas were the only place, where to wash and clean up oneself. But saunas were not only bathing centres, but also social centres. Mothers were taking care of each other's children, and everybody stayed online, what was happening locally and globally, while discussing of the news, when sitting in the warm wave of heat with other people. Fairly often one would hear great stories, while sweating there.
More history and information here in the link

As you can see from the pic, there still is huge piles of snow around. Quite a normal situation in march, but how I miss summer already!


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