
By middleman


A big day out on The South Bank.

An incredible sculpture show at The Hayward 'When Forms Come Alive' in the morning followed swiftly (for a good chunk of the afternoon) by Yoko Ono at Tate Modern which featured literally hundreds of exhibits. I have to admit I didn't watch every video from start to finish nor did I read every single text...or I'd still be there this time next week. There is a lot of fun to be had though at this show for sure.

[Culture Pause - cafe stop / pint stop / tea stop]

And a terrific evening at The National Theatre for 'Till The Stars Come Down'. I'd managed to bag some £10 seats in their Friday Rush last week and I wasn't expecting to actually see a lot to be honest as the tickets were billed as 'very high' and 'very restricted view' but they were fine! So much better than anticipated.

A drink overlooking the river at The BFI and a walk back over Jubilee Bridge to catch the tube back to ours. The red lights of all the cranes in the city emerging from the drizzle.


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