Double digit day

When I got home this afternoon the temperature on the truck told me it was +11 C. And the sun was shining, it was a beautiful day to be outside.

I headed to the valley today and my first stop was Miners Marsh. Several other people were there with cameras too. The cardinal was singing his spring song, and he sat there for several minutes. The ducks and geese are back and are staking out their territories for nesting sites. The male red winged blackbirds have returned, the females will follow within the next couple of weeks.

Next stops were at some bakeries and farm markets. Then I decided to drive around the Grand Pre area. I wanted to stop at the church for a few photos. Just past the church some eagles were feeding. I'm not sure what the farmers have dumped there, possibly some straw bedding from the barns. Obviously there was something in it that attracted the eagles and the crows. Some of the farmers used to dump dead chickens in some fields to feed the eagles, but that had to be stopped a few years ago due to avian flu. Possibly they are burying the dead chickens in straw bedding and dumping that in the fields.

When I came home I had to take a walk around the garden. A few crocus have started to bloom, as well as the snowdrops and winter aconite.

The forecast has the temperature on a yo-yo this week, up and down.

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