Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Daff Down Dillies

How lovely to see the sun this morning, quite lightened my spirits.
I headed round to Ali's this morning, we were taking Josie for her second chicken pox jab. I was on baby duty so that Ali could focus on Josie. I went armed with a pacifier, one of my Lindt chocolates angels left over from the Christmas tree. It worked, there was a brief tear then she spotted the chocolate. She loves unwrapping them, that's an extra treat. With great relish she announced she was going to bite its head off! What a change from the first time she saw one in December when she got upset and didn't want to bite the Santa chocolates.
We headed back here in time for lunch and to see Katy when she came to drop off my car which was a bonus.
Ali looked after Bonnie, and I gave Josie her lunch then put her down for her nap. The routine is bottle, two stories then sleep. It worked, well, she played in her cot for a while after I left her, but she then slept for almost two hours. I was very pleased that she accepted me settling her even though her mum was here.
I popped into the back garden and picked the daffodils in my blip. Some of the varieties are coming into flower now, no sign of the Blushing Ladies anywhere yet though. The vase is in honour of my lovely friend Ruth, yesterday was the second anniversary of her death. Two years already seems incredible. I still find it hard to believe.
The extra is Ali and her girls here this afternoon used with her consent.

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