Roll With It

By Falmike

Book Fairy Strikes Again

I’m ploughing through my books, both electronic and real and am looking to ‘spread the love’ by redistributing my books. Having learnt that charity shops now sell on books by weight for pulping I am less inclined to donate and more likely to give away to those I know or our street library.
When I remember I do the Book Fairy thing. Today I remembered, prepared the book with the marker, sticker and waterproof bag and left this one on the pier.
I hope someone enjoys it.

Looking at a busy three or four days, starts off this morning with the RNA Committee Meeting before Thursday Gang, coffee with Richard, pedicure, beer with Steve, veteran breakfast near St Austell, catering for Saturday, both St Nazaire ceremonies and then Plymouth to watch Sam play rugby.

I should sleep well Monday when it’s all done.

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