
By sandyshore

Lent #30

I awoke to the beautiful dawn chorus through an open window and was relieved to see I'd slept a healthy right through the night for once. So why did my face in the mirror look like it had been punched? And slowly it dawned on me that it was 7 pm not A.M. The evening chorus from the blackbirds is still wonderful though.

I'm sorry for all the cruddy photos but I must try to keep on track of this Lent business. Thank you to you who have been kind with stars and hearts which I know are not for anything but your generosity of spirit. Appreciated. Good people.

Still abstaining despite a (not illegal) slice of apple pie in extremis. Still no chocolate, sigh, or biscuits, they would be so nice, or cake or ice cream or homemade fudgey caramel or anything beautiful at all! But self discipline is a beautiful thing and I so often don't have that so I'm glad.

May be the lurgy speaking but I've been watching "The Durrells" and it is such a nice relief from 2024 and all that. Very much recommended for calming and palate cleansing after accidentally reading anything on Twitter or in the news.

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