All Sorts of Bread

none of which I can eat. It looks tantalising though.

The second Friday with the market at its new venue and things were looking more organised. There was more space for shoppers to move between the stalls. The market organisers have told the greengrocer that he's got to make his stall look more presentable and he can't bring his dilapidated truck on to the concourse. Today he had one of the covers used at Loughborough.

The power points are housed on rectangular bollards that set into the ground when not in use.

I bought fish, including sardines that Louis gutted for me, veg and cheese before nipping to the butcher and then to the Flower Lady where I bought a bunch of pink tulips. The walk up Hallcroft to Finkins seemed very tedious today but it was lovely sitting in warm sunshine, until a heavy shower drove us back to the car.

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