
Today was the first day when it warm enough to sit outside, against the south wall of the Red House, and enjoy a cup of tea, a good book, and the sun of course. Always a memorable turning point in the seasons.
Snow and ice got cleared away so we could sit comfortably with our feet on wood.  I noticed tiny buds on some of the twigs so even the trees are getting a little impatient for spring.
Later in the day Jan cleared an area on the south side of our main house, close to where the bird feeders are, and we set up a bench and took another cup of tea there, while watching our goldfinches, blue tits, great tits, red polls and bullfinches perform. The larger birds, jays, woodpeckers and magpies were too nervous to feed with us humans sitting only a few meters away.
Towards the end of the day it clouded over (now it's raining a little) and I retreated inside to bake my bread. It's a rather special recipe using a lot of sourdough starter discard and no kneading at all. It recently emerged from the oven and we are letting it cool down a little before tasting it. Looks good though!
Have a good weekend!
Update - the bread is now cool enough and we tried it - delicious, though I say so myself. Picture on flickr. The colour comes from tumeric in the basic recipe.

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