Mini Daff

But not just any ‘Mini Daff’, it’s my ‘Mini Daff’  (apologies  to M&S)

Suitably identified by the dirt kicked up by the pressure washer yesterday.

Thirty frame focus stack/merge miraculously performed in Affinity.  The way the wind was buffeting the daff I expected a total failure. Developed in PS as ever.

Tesco shop today, and I wasn’t a happy bunny by the time I left.  In the beer section once again there was no Abbot Ale.  This time there was a Tesco chap at hand who told me that it was no longer stocked.  All they had was the Abbot Reserve, not a beer to my liking which I communicated (in detrimental terms of the ‘Reserve’), to which the Tesco chap said “Everyone says that”.  It seems that the store has no say on what is delivered and head office ignores requests and feed-back!  Maybe a snotagram is called for.

The beer would have brushed over, but when I got to the self service checkout the security tab on the bottle of gin let of an ear-piercing scream when I scanned it.  Scared the life out of me – nearly dropped the bottle but years of experience saved the day, that would have been alcohol abuse . . . !  The attendant quickly neutralised it, but when I scanned the vodka the same thing happened.  VERY embarrassing apart from anything else, do tell all the customers that I’m buying gin and vodka!  That snotagram seems more likely than ever.

At least I managed to pack a large shop without using one Tesco bag – that made me feel a bit better, especially as I had a fancy M&S bag on display.  I should have dug out the Waitrose bag while I was at it . . .

Many thanks to Annie for hosting Flower Friday.

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