A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Spring bouquet

A bit of a lazy blip today but I did think my Mother's Day bouquet with all the spring blooms opening looked lovely and colourful, scented too, so worthy of a second blip for Flower Friday.
I could have turned to the garden with the Forsythia blooming nicely and maybe will over the weekend.

It is another warm day and one minute is sunny and bright and the next pouring down. April a month early maybe?

I’ve been in a sorting out mood and have created a couple of piles of books to go to Oxfam next time we’re in Ilkley. I need to use this sorting mood to clear out some yarn but I think I find that even more difficult than parting with books. You never know when you might just need that bit of leftover yarn do you?
Try as I might I keep making things designed to use bits up but I always seem to be having to buy more to complete them.

Chris is vergering for a funeral in the village and I’ve just stopped to have a break doing this.

Meal out with the ladies who travelled later at the Ling Bob in the next village. Think I might be tempted by one of the Greek specialities ( the manager is Greek). Amazing how quickly these Fridays come around and the monthly outing too.

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