Little Moosh. Age 16 and 2/3 (at least) xx

Little Dog had a very peaceful end to her life with us, at home and exactly as we planned. She's had an active, long and healthy fifteen years with us. We’re 100% sure that it was the right time. There is comfort in that.

Little Dog headed off to doggy heaven about 4pm and we headed up on the moors with Little Dog Junior on one of her favourite walks about 5pm. It was uplifting, refreshing and positive to chat about good times and times when she’s been extremely bad! This time yesterday I was flat out in bed with a sickness bug so I'm so thankful that we were in control of the day today.

This photo will make me look back and chuckle which is what I need from today, and my blips. Little Dog Junior will be on many adventures to come and the real Little Dog, I hope, will be with us in spirit. 

I'm sparing you (and me) the rest of what I actually wrote. I won't want to re-read it on here. But in summary, it's true, my heart has broken. 

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