It's Abstract Thursday!

Today was a busy one relatively speaking.  Mr MC's brother came to visit him and spent an hour or so chatting while I busied myself with Blipfoto and then tidying the kitchen.  This afternoon Mr MC had an appointment with his eye surgeon to which I drove him and then went on to our local supermarket, Waitrose, by myself!  Two things:  I have visited another supermarket (alone) in a nearby town a number of times over the last few years.  The Waitrose supermarket is rather small, with barely adequate parking and an actual road in between car park and store.  The trolleys are difficult to access and are getting to be in a parlous state.  Finally, the supermarket itself has rather narrow aisles which are constantly filled with large cages as shelves are restacked while customers shop..  Anyway, I did survive and afterwards went to collect Mr MC when for the first time I met his lovely surgeon.
Today's abstract does follow our host Ingeborg's optional theme of 'Pattern'.  I'm not sure it qualifies as abstract though as you can clearly see that I have used two of Violet's knitted roses, given different hues!

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