British weather.

The weather this morning was marvelous - super sunny and, in my coat, I was uncomfortably warm.  Rufus and I had an Ab Fab super long walk in the park collecting dandelions for Tortie and playing fetch, looking for squirrels, chasing birds and oodles of other doggy walkies things.  Of course this glorious weather didn't last the day, and was all was grey by late afternoon, but when one is in Blighty, one must be grateful for whatever sunshine may come our way.

Other than that, and a quick sojourn to Asda, it was a home alone with the usual occupations kind of day. Tonight's Netflix movie of choice was 'The Foreigner' (2017) with Pierce Brosnan and Jackie Chan. Not at all what I was expecting - very different type of role for Mr Brosnan who I didn't even realize is Irish! 

The Foreigner 2017 directed by Martin Campbell. It received generally favourable reviews from critics with praise for its action sequences, musical score, and against type performances of Chan and Brosnan. (Wikipedia)

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