Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Another bunch move on

Today was the school girls football picnic to say good bye to the P7 girls who are off to high school.

We all warmed up together then the older girls played the P7 boys, the girls had some parents playing, it finishe din a draw. Then we had our picnic.

I presented the cup finalists with a mug with a team photo and a certificate.

Thanked them all and their parents for a great year.

I got presented with a gift, I was quite emotional and overwhelmed with their generosity, thanks you very much.

After this all the girls had a game against the parents, it had to end in a draw.
Sad to see another bunch move on, next year will be my last coaching at primary school as Eco daughter will move to high school in 2010.

Watched the rugby and caught up with some pals.

The girls on the right are 3 of the P7 girls, they got the younger ones to sign their shirts. Good luck girls, they have been great role models and the school has much more girls playing footballs due to these girls.

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