Celendines painting

Finally upload to the CLOUD were completed around 3:15 in the early hours this morning...


I had a quick look and one caught my eye. I don't know who took it, no smart phones then...it was around 2002 possibly when they took it. Not very good quality. It is of me & J. I don't mind posting it because you are not going to recognise me from this. As you can see, I wore colourful clothes then. And hats!!! I never saw this photograph until 2015 six years after J died, when they posted it on Facebook. My little Hearing dog for the Deaf, Meg, was about one years old then. I'll put it as an extra if you want to look at it.

Wildlife camera
Three Badgers & Cats...

Creative is some celandines...In SketchClubApp
Plenty of bright yellow in my garden at the moment ...

Time for a wee nap!
But a cuppa first...

Have a good day!

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