Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Pasque Flower

I have several of these in the garden, in various colours, but can't see any of the others. Hopefully this one is just advanced as it is in a pot and the others will appear in their own time. I do hope so, one came from a friend's garden, when they had to downside unexpectedly to a house with no garden, 40 years ago! It moved to our last house then to here with us, and that was 30 years ago this year.
I had a dreadful night's sleep last night so did very little this morning. The weather was foul so I was not tempted to go out. Things picked up a bit energy wise in the afternoon though and I made a chicken casserole for our three households. Tomorrow I'll divide it up and put pastry lids on so we can all have a pie. Makes it quicker to heat up and easier to transport.
I also made a rhubarb sponge for us for pudding - it was good and we've some left for tomorrow.
This evening we watched the second episode of Karen Pirie series 1. We've seen it before but were glad to see it being shown again .
I went to Lidl this evening mainly for milk. It was very expensive, cost me over £25! I also came away with a handy wee propagator which came with courgette, tomato, cucumber and pepper seeds. Not bad for 6.99. I see they are also selling cold frames etc too althoughI still have the one I bought in Aldi before lockdown.
I was sorely tempted by a very nice camellia at 11.99, they had a good range of different varieties and colours. I don't really have a space for it, but it was a good sized, strong and healthy plant.

I've put the potatoes to chit in more comfort in an egg tray. Some earlies and some main crop. I think there will be enough for 4 or 5 growing bags.

BTW I 'll confess now that I've edited the flower to make it look it's straggly best.

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