Pink and Blue

Smithers went out for lunch with a business associate today, the first time he’s done that for a good while. It was so lovely to see him looking smartly dressed ready to go out, just like old times. 

After they’d gone I walked up to the Atrium and delivered a few cards and tidied up the card stand. I wasn’t able to take my camera with me, but I took quite a few photos on my phone, none of which were very exciting because it was another grey day, with just intermittent breaks in the cloud. I had already decided I simply had to have some blue sky in today’s photo, so here’s the blossom on the cherry tree in our front garden, with its welcome cerulean background, which I took as I arrived home.

This afternoon I had a visit from the son of our friend who died recently. He came to let us know the date of the funeral and service of thanksgiving, which has just been finalised. I will be typesetting the order of service (which I also did when his mother died) so he gave me as much information for it as he could, and will give me the rest as soon as he can.

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