In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

In my room

Another fine day here in midtown Hammamet. A slight southerly breeze blowing, which may, late in the day make the beach feel a tad cooler. But that won't bother us today, as apart from a walk to the store for more water, and a visit to the wifi area in the lobby to Face time Janine and try and Face time Stevaan, I will be remaining in my room,or at least on the balcony. June is still experiencing painful stomach spasms, making these last couple of days less than enjoyable for her. She did recover enough last night to make it down for dinner and then we all went, as planned, into Yasmine Hammamet to visit the medina there. It was a fascinating place, mainly populated with Tunisian Tourists. There were restaurants galore, a couple of theme parks,( Carthage Land and Aladdin Land) an aqua park, shops, stalls,hotels and goodness knows what else. From the outside it looked quite small, but it was a bit Tardis like once you climbed the stairs and entered the place.
It also had a stage where entertainment was laid on for the masses. And believe me it was quite busy. The first act we saw was two guys dresses as some sort of clowns, doing some very basic juggling and some pretty poor robot dancing. It was so bad that it wouldn't have got past the auditions in Got To Dance. We misses the part of the show that involved spiked devices, that I presume that the bare chested showmen were going to,lie on stand on or whatever. Oh well, another missed opportunity, no matter.
Further in the complex, was tea rooms where more traditional and rather wonderful traditional musicians were entertaining the crowd.
At the entrance to the establishment were 5 full size elephant statues that were very popular for people getting their pictures taken, standing by them.
We then stopped in a bar just outside on the main road, where I had a beer, Lewis and Norma had a half bottle of the Magon Rosé wine, topped up with lemonade and June had a cappuccino. Proceeding, after this light refreshment, along the seafront where more bars and shops were situated, the very place we were at last week when we walked along the sand to get there, we were disappointed to see that it was practically deserted and all the businesses that had been open, were now in the process of closing. Amazing since it was just after midnight. So it appears that the waterfront is the place to be in the afternoon and early evening, but at night everything moves inland a block. Mind you it was a trite chilly walking along there, so we hopped in a cab, and came back to the hotel.
This morning, I went for breakfast on my own, and got room service to deliver some chamomile tea and toast for June to have for her breakfast. She got some medication on prescription that is supposed to ease the spasms and some anti-biotics, so hopefully that, anda day in bed sleeping, will help.

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