PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Ben Cu Rapids

These rapids are extremely powerful. You can hear the water roaring well before you see them. This view is from the Hornbill bar and restaurant at an eco lodge in the park. A great spot to sit and have relaxing beer after a hard day sightseeing :)

Today we cycled 20km and trekked 5km through near untouched stunning rainforest to reach our destination - Bau Sau Lake, better known as crcocodile lake. Sadly we didn't see any crocodiles but we still had an amazing day filled with wonderful wildlife sightings. More hornbills, pittas, drongos, pheasants, swamphens and so many more birds I have yet to identify. But the highlight of today most definitely had to be seeing a wild family group of black-shanked douc's langurs!! Very rare to see primates in the wild in Vietnam these days and we saw them on two separate occasions!

Tomorrow we head out on a boat tour in the morning, visit a different bear rescue centre in the afternoon and then go for a night drive in the evening. Should be another great day :). Sorry for the lack of commenting, wifi and electricity here is very unpredictable! I hope to catch up with you all when I get home on Wednesday :-) Happy weekend everybody!

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