Short-eared owls

Today F and I went to the Wirral again, this time to Denhall Quay to look for short-eared owls hunting as the high tide came in.

I met Diane2104 (who had kindly told me where to go to see them).  We were thrilled to see four of them flying around over the flooded saltmarsh.which was thrilling.
The road where we were standing flooded with the time (extra), luckily we didn't get wet feet!

Afterwards we went to Burton marsh Reserve again and enjoyed good viewa of a marsh harrier.

When we got back, the power steering went on F's car.  We had gone in his car so it was lucky that it happened when we arrived at my house and not when we were at the Wirral.  He drove back to his house (slowly) with me following just in case there was an emergency.  He'll take it to the garage tomorrow , we had looked at a YouTube video but it was a complicated business so not something to be done at home.

Apart from the car, it was a lovely day. 

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