
Today is the penultimate day of my dad being a bachelor.
He’s 89 and he’s been unmarried since 1988 when he and my mum thankfully self combusted.
But tomorrow, he’s getting married! It’s less dubious sugar daddy vibes than it sounds… he and my pseudo stepmother have been together for 29 years having met in the South of France at a village Mes Choix, two lonesome divorcees, it was a match made in heaven and have been happy ever since. French laws made marriage complicated in case either had died, the inheritance laws were too many hurdles too far so now they’re ensconced in deepest Cornwall and pensions are at stake, the sensible not romantic decision was to get hitched.
Small service but sadly I can’t make it as needed three days to get to and fro and about £500 squid to get there.
Instead I’ve sent them this gift, a jigsaw made from a painting my dad did about 20 years ago of their house in France.
I love it!

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