The Big 10

Seeing my 3650th approaching (doesn't time fly!), I cast around for inspiration for an image to say "TEN!". I decided to go with the Roman numeral, and thinking about where to find it took me to somewhere that's been a very frequent source of inspiration for my photography: the kirkyard!

You'd think I would have realised, given all the photographs I've taken there: the historic residents of Cullen were NOT in the habit of writing the year of death in Roman numerals! (Even the oldest legible stone there has its 1603 in Arabic numerals.)

After a lot of fruitless searching, I gave up on death dates but found an alternative among the memento mori symbols carved on the table graves. The shallow recess it sits in was partly filled in water, helping the crossed bones stand out, and to celebrate the anniversary (and just for the hell of it :), I went to town on the processing. 

I still find hard to believe it's been 10 years. I started blipping in February 2014, and have kept up the daily routine obsessively, except for a couple of times I've taken a week or two off when work got too crazy. I always feel guilty that I rarely make the time to comment or reply to people's kind comments: you are a wonderfully positive, supportive and caring community, and your friendship and encouragement has meant a LOT to me over the last decade. THANK YOU!!

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