
A 'domestic' day today. Two loads of washing done and dried on the line! Woo Hoo!

We have Franky for a sleepover on Saturday,  his request for dinner is beef. Jodie said he can eat a whole cow! So I've cooked a big pot of beef bourguignon, bulked out with veg.

I then made a start on unpacking, some of our boxes have been packed for over two years! 

I've enjoyed the simpler way of life with less 'stuff' around, so need to be ruthless on what I keep. Our loft is full of boxes marked 'kitchen'. I'm sure I don't need so many tins, bowls and gadgets as are stored up there. 

 I did find this beautiful painted box that I certainly won't get rid of. It was a thank you gift from when I judged the Canadian Bearded Collie Speciality show back in 1999. The two dogs are our Maggie and her son Bertie who was the top winning Bearded Collie in the UK back in the day. Very special memories, and very special dogs. Ali is descended from them.

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