76 F/ 24 C

It's all quiet in
my little world - except for 
the mockingbird songs


I finished my coffee before 7. Then, I took my camera out to the backyard to see what I could find. 

There is a lot of bird activity this morning. The mockingbird is doing the rounds in the neighbourhood. It flits from tree to tree as he sings. I tried my best to follow it around the trees in my yard. I caught it at the top of my orange tree. Then again I found him up high in a palm tree. 

I looked over to the next street to see a dove perched on a light post. Doves are very busy chasing each other these days. They don't sit still for very long. In the past we've put feeders on the ground for them but they came in mobs. Without the feeders now, I don't see them in my yard very often. 

Today, I'm sorting and packing. I'd like to streamline the load in the back of my car. I have to organize what goes straight home and what I will need to access each day of travel. That will occupy my time at home. 

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