Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3362. Swarovski Puffins

My hubby bought me these a few years ago to replace ones he broke many years ago.  Puffins are my all time favourite birds, I just love them.

We are not long back from the hospital where I had an annoying mole removed, well shaved off actually…as it’s not suspicious, they just shave it off so that it doesn’t catch on my clothing and get irritated any more.

It was very efficient at the hospital and all over and done with in about 45 minutes.  It took longer because the specialist nurse had to check that the wash she was using wasn’t going to be a problem for me because of a shellfish allergy I have.  I’ve had this once before when I had my knee replacement done and I’m glad I mentioned it both times because a severe reaction is possible!

Back home now and relaxing, my back is nipping a bit but I’m sure it will be fine.

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