Park of Keir-34 years on

Photo: – committee members of RAGE – Residents against Greenbelt Erosion  - (from left to right)  Kathy Pigeon (secretary), Viv and David Cantwell, Ingar Bullen ( chair) and Malcolm Shaw  ( treasurer).

Tonight, we held the AGM to continue our fight to protect  Park of Keir.
It was good to see a strong turnout of people after thirty-four years all with the same enthusiasm and determination as the original founders to protect this iconic greenbelt site separating the two distinct communities of Bridge of Allan and Dunblane.

So far, no building of houses has taken place. Officially planning permission was granted over four years ago by the Scottish government despite a Public Enquiry finding against it along with massive objections from the local community and a rejection by Stirling Council. 

It was a political decision made by the Scottish Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, influenced by intense lobbying from Judy Murray , mother of former tennis star Andy Murray, who wanted a legacy for her son.
 Nicola Sturgeon has gone but the planning application with permission to build still stands until December this year. 

So, we are keeping a watching brief. 

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