
My job ,while the other two collected the girls, was to chop up the carrot, peppers, garlic and onion for the Jumbalaya for tonight.  (Above)

We had vegetarian sausages cut in rounds with it and small bowls of left over corn, red kidney beans, mushrooms raw, chopped with lemon and the usual medley of cucumber and celery sticks and baby tomatoes!  Eldest explained she was having the extra beans and corn as it was a bit hot for her! Youngest wouldn’t try and had tuna wraps along with some of the raw veg.

It was delicious! 

More sorting out today, in fact I didn’t actually leave the house! Also showing C old photos etc.  Another great day! Sorry but I’m only just about getting a blip done, so commenting at a standstill while our daughter  is here!  Girls at breakfast and this evening too! They had a wonderful time with their aunt! 

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