Bed desk
Today is the 2nd day of feeling a bit blah. It's that time of the month and have had major fatigue and a bit of a headache for the last couple of days. The weather has been horrible too so I just hunkered down and tried to do some work!
My friend Maeve came round to drop off a cordless vacuum that used to be her mum's. I hate our corded one - it is so cumbersome! So I am really pleased to take delivery of it. It was good to have a chat and a cuppa while showing her round my house. We meet up a lot but usually after work in London with another friend, or at hers, or at a mutual friends place. So it was nice to host her at mine. We've been friends for over 2 decades so she really didn't mind me being dressed in my pj's still haha.
I then had a good quick chat online with a friend who lost her dad a few months ago. It was good to be able to offer an in person catch up with someone who understands.
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