Stinky Collie pup!!!

Ann is very angry with me. I'm having to hide behind the sofa because she says she doesn't want to look at me. Mmmmmm................... she might not be able to see me, but she can still smell me. I am very, very, stinky. Do you want to know why?............................

I went for a 2 hour walk this afternoon through a couple of parks and then through the woods and along the secret path which isn't secret anymore lol! As soon as we got into Braidburn Valley Park, I got let off my lead and started rolling around on my back. That's normal behaviour for me when I go to Braidburn Valley Park. What isn't normal, is finding fox poo to roll around in. Ann has never seen a fox in Braidburn Valley Park. There again, urban foxes are everywhere in the city. Last week she got off a bus at 9pm on Morningside Road and saw a fox crossing the main road?!!!

Anyway, from then on, I was incredibly stinky. I went into the burn, but when Ann told me to put my head and neck under water, I didn't understand what she meant so I just did a bit of splashing about. On the way home we did a bit of a detour so that I could go into the burn again. It hasn't made any difference to the stinkiness of me.

When we got home, Ann took my collar off me and washed it. It was disgusting. It was caked in fox poo. Then she used loads of kitchen roll in an effort to get me clean. She couldn't bear to use one of my dog towels because the thought of putting it in the washing machine, where her stuff goes, was not very appealing. The paper towels have removed a lot of the fox poo but I still stink!!

Ann's hoping that when the fox poo dries, she can just rub some dry foam shampoo into me and then I'll smell gorgeous?!!!!

Mmmmmmmm................ not sure if that will work.

The trouble is....................... we live in a 4th floor flat and don't have a bath. Therefore, if I have to have a shower which is looking increasingly likely in this instance Ann will have to take off all her clothes and get into the shower with me. I have to say; I'm very good when me and Ann have a shower together and she allows me to use her coconut shampoo.

…................It's just not something that she particularly enjoys doing. Lol, lol, lol!!!

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