Labels and freebies

Same old, same old! Dull, dry and breezy. Spent some time this morning potting up some of my favourite plants, particularly Luzuriaga radicans, and weeding and top-dressing others. Just before lunch 15 spots of rain fell, but fortunately nothing more, as I'd planned to visit Dunollie this afternoon.

Drove down to Dunollie after lunch with Mrs M, she to her sewing group, me to begin putting out some of the new labels. These were the few which I fixed to tree trunks with a stainless steel screw and spring, hence the single hole. My Blip today shows the kit!

The rest of them, with two holes, will be attached with wire to branches - wire still to be ordered. Quite a few rhododendrons in flower in the garden, so spring is definitely on the way. The Dunollie staff were all rushing around madly, getting ready to open to the public again on Friday.

Afterwards we drove down to MKM, who have again given us, Keep Oban Beautiful that is, a load of free rubbish bags and gloves, to be handed out to volunteers on our Oban Spring Clean weekend, 23rd and 24th of the month.

Random Quote of the Day: 'Man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that he sometimes has to eat them.' - Adlai Stevenson.

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