Proud moments

It's been a day of achievements in this house. The jedi put his sneakers on all by himself this morning.  On the right feet too. 

The two small wildlings got amazing reports at school.  They are both math whizzes.  And doing a year plus ahead of where they should be. Harp is a little genius.  Lincoln is very kind and super clever with his maths. We need to work on his spelling though.  Xander is where he should be academically which is good. But has shown a decline in behaviour since moving up to p5. We see it at home too. Some of it is trying to fit in a guess but some is just silly behaviour.  He's been chosen to take part in a cross country event with other schools and I have said if he doesn't behave in school then not to take him. Yip it may seem harsh but he needs to learn. One other child has been pulled from it for behaviour too. I'm hoping he pulls his boots up. 

Because of my shoulder there will be changes at work for me as of tomorrow until the easter holidays.  I'm switching classes to a class that isn't as challenging.  It will be better for my arm but will take time to get use too. 

I feel like my tendon they cut away and put in my bicep is failing.  My arm is weaker and I have pain in my shoulder as well as down my arm. 

I took a morphine pill last night and slept the first few hours better but then was a hit and miss. 

Thanks for your understanding with my lack of blip comments.  
I'm abandoning Mr R too as I tend to go to bed once we have had dinner. 

Oh and I finally wore my new sneakers that I got from Xmas. 

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