On reflection!

I saw this lovely ginger cat this morning and I guess he is someone’s pet.
Today, it has been announced that after an initial review, there is going to be a formal investigation into the vet market.
It seems that many people are having to pay far more for veterinary treatment and medications and that many more vet practices are now “owned” by large companies.
Of course these companies know that most pet owners will pay almost anything to get the right treatment for their pet and that they won’t question the cost.
I hope the investigation levels out the cost of pet treatment as it has gone up ridiculously in the last few years.
Personally speaking, we have paid out more than £5,000 during the last 15 months or so for treatment, and will only get £1000 back ( perhaps) from insurance companies. Mittens our cat is not insured.
So no holidays for us.
Of course, we choose to have pets but it seems that the costs have risen to put money into the pockets of the conglomerates that run the vets now.

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