Tiny Revolver

Camera club was interesting last night. not just the member presentations but also the 'camera chats' afterwards which were buzzing! Lots of huge lenses were on display and I may have convinced another member to go down the Sony route.

I was hoping to get some tips from the iPhone users that I could transfer to my new Samsung phone, but it turns out that most people just point and shoot, with little or no investigation into settings. I did get a tip from fellow blipper endorfin regarding shooting using Lightroom. I started to have a look at that but it's going to take a bit more time I think to understand all the options.

In the meantime I've had a bit of a play today with the different lenses on the Samsung, just shooting jpgs, standard photo mode. The blip was taken using the 200MP lens. There are so many options to think about! Including how to get the images from the phone into my PC as I still prefer desktop editing, and then into the Lightroom catalog.

It's a coaster by the way, bought as a birthday present for me by daughter#1 in the Beatles shop when we were down in London last month.

My joint favourite Beatles album, along with Rubber Soul. And my favourite Beatle in the thumbnail.

One year ago:
Sunday In East London

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