The markets and French Halles…

As always I walked into town and it took me the normal 6 or 7 minutes. No such luck for commuters trying to get to town in their cars. There are multiple roads closed, further complicated by a very high spring tide causing the sea front to be under water and the road closed. And if that didn’t cause enough chaos a removal lorry managed to break down on the roundabout at the edge of town. Things were moving a little until some vehicles managed to somehow get jammed in one of the roads used as a diversion meaning among other things buses were held up throwing their who timetable into further confusion.
When I’d done my shopping I walked home as usual but did make one big mistake. Outside the Coop I have the choice of two roads; one very steep then flattening out and the other a constant rise the whole way. I normally take the steep one because it’s permit only for vehicles and the first shop is The Pelican who do the best decaf iced latte anywhere. But for some reason I took the more gentle slope; maybe because there was little traffic today. When I was just about home I realised I’d forgotten to get my iced latte!
That’s my day ruined;-)

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