I took B&W photos

But then I took many in color and liked them better. Yesterday and today we had a wind storm with gusts at 45 mph. It reminds me of the wind storm in Iceland. By the end of the day the wind died down and I took Samuel to the beach and the board walk. 

Let’s say you have a town close to a major tourist destination, close enough to be a day trip. You have nothing to lure tourists. You have some old buildings but your history is not that interesting. What if you hired an author to create fun fictional history and pretended it was true and used that to lure people? You could have little plaques to aspects of this fake history. Maybe you could seed “artifacts” for people to find like a treasure hunt. You could have your merchants in on it and they could have displays that tie in. You could put out a call for writers to develop histories and then select one of them. 

Yesterday I saw horses, hawks, and dinosaurs. I took a picture of one of the dinosaurs but it isn’t very good. 

Russia has refused to comment on reports that it fired the commander of the navy after Ukraine sank its battleships. 

The Russian business newspaper Kommersant said that in the first two months of 2024 corporate bankruptcies increased by more than a half compared with the same period last year—and that experts predict an increase in insolvencies in the future.

A drone hit a fuel depot in the Russian city of Orel. 

Thank you for the derelict challenge Merlieske. I notice so many more things as a result, even if I don’t always photograph them.

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