
Stuart has extracted his PA from the old band’s lockup, where it had been stuck for a few months. But, as he is redecorating, he doesn’t really have room for it in his house. I said it could all go in my garage now that the weather is getting a bit warmer. I could only fit the tops in my car today, so he will drop the subs off when he comes through to Kendal tomorrow.
Some good work on our new song this morning. We now know how it starts and what the middle bit will be. The verses just need a bit of fine tuning and then we’ll have the song ready to perform. In that respect, we really need a small mixer to use with the PA and I found something suitable on eBay this afternoon. It should be here by the weekend and then we can start setting it up.
We’re really enjoying working on our original songs, and we’re also sorting out some covers that we can put our own spin on.
Who knows, we might even be in a position to do a small gig in the next month or so!

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